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LOKA Weirdos Spend Summer Vacation Attacking Glendale Residents Advocating for Safe Streets

Was Leave Our Kids Alone really about kids' safety? The same group of people who spent the least 2+ years attacking Glendale Public Schools (among other Districts) have now pivoted their culture war to...infrastructure. Specifically, there should be ABSOLUTELY NO SAFE BIKE LANES IN GLENDALE according to the same people who were allegedly concerned about kids' safety.

Today, GUSD Parents [sic] Voices, apparently associated with misguided mamabears and viral fame-seekers Aneta Krpekyan and Ani Torosyan, took time today to rage-post a series of Instagram Stories attacking a private resident and longtime local grassroots group that has been advocating for improved bike, pedestrian, and traffic safety planning for nearly 15 years in Glendale.

Glendale Parents Voices are freaks
Attacking Glendalians supporting bike lanes. Very normal stuff.

In addition to attacking residents exercising their right to be involved in local decisions, GPV demands that people "show ID" to give public comment. This is super funny coming from the LOKAs, who are notorious for mainly not living or sending their kids to the public school districts they attack.

Let's remember that Aneta herself boasted about "being ready to move out of Glendale" before she suddenly decided to run for office in a school district she hates.

For the past year, the City of Glendale had open meetings where residents and commuters could give their input into the Bike Master Plan, which will reimagine and renovate roads across Glendale to reduce injuries and deaths from traffic, decrease air pollution by creating a useable bike network, and easing traffic in main corridors of the city.

Did Aneta and Ani know or care about this then, or is attacking neighbors just another culture war to spark joy in their otherwise boring summer vacation?

(Of course, complaining about something and then NOT actually attending events where they could learn about the thing they're mad about is par for the course with this crew.)

Go touch grass, it's nice outside! Maybe even try riding your bikes!

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