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Jordan Henry and Aneta Krpekyan are Running for School Board

Despite a lack of qualifications other than a deep hatred of teachers unions, inclusion, and books (or maybe because of it), Jordan Henry and Aneta Krpekyan are both running for GUSD School Board's March 5, 2024 election.

Jordan Henry has been complaining about GUSD public schools for over 2 years. Aneta Krpekyan has been complaining since at least 2020 (see her Yelp Review).

Jordan Henry and Aneta Krpekyan, School Board Candidates in GUSD
Jordan Henry and Aneta Krpekyan, School Board Candidates in GUSD, pictured at the violent June 6, 2023 anti-GUSD rally to protest Pride Month.

Both of these candidates still need to officially qualify for the ballot by filing papers with the City Clerk, but in the meantime they are focusing on fundraising.

Below are some highlights from Aneta's social media, which she has since scrubbed in her efforts to appear "moderate" and "concerned."

Most notable is Aneta's Facebook comment suggesting that someone "punch" a sitting school board member. Keep in mind that school board members are supposed to be able to work together.

She also compares GUSD to "Nazi, Germany" (nice comma use, author!) because they had to close their offices early due to credible threats of violence against District employees due to the extremists' allegations of "grooming."


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