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James Clarke Hates You and Loves Dangerous Streets

Local public comment troll, possible fundraising grifter, and election loser James Clarke has taken to Instagram to decry the proposed traffic calming project for a particularly dangerous stretch of road in Glendale.

James Clarke loses glendale election badly
James Clarke lost to so many people in March 2024.

It takes a special brandy of NIMBY to claim that preserving a small stretch of roadway is worth pedestrian and cyclist deaths. James Clarke is that hero!

Clarke is bravely holding the line against Glendalians who want to be able to walk or bike to work and school without getting hit by a car.

In publicly available posts, Clarke claims the upcoming City Council vote on funding for the project is an "emergency." Clarke then took time to like a follower's image comment featuring what appears to be a Black cyclist being hit by a car (see screenshots below).

We thought British people were supposed to be classy!


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