Aneta Krepkyan, candidate for Glendale School Board, was briefly mentioned in the latest episode of The Dollop podcast covering Jordan Henry's antics, including the anti-GUSD frenzy of 2022 targeting a veteran teacher for her 2021 lesson on "all types of families." (Shout-out to BFFs Alvina Piloyan and Diana Gevorkian!)
Aneta's out-of-district and non-GUSD fans continue to donate to her campaign, sending in over $11,000 in early February, not a single one from a donor in Glendale, let alone the area where she is running. Read the full list below.
Familiar extremists include anti-GUSD harasser Arman Petrosian of PAD Diagnostics, who famously accompanied Jordan Henry during his poster pants stunt and recently was there when Ray Shelton assaulted two women at the Council PTA candidate forum. Cool friends, Aneta!
From doubling down on the anti-LGBTQ hate to the anti-union talk to the shady donors to the yard signs littered all over Glendale, Aneta Krpekyan appears to have almost everything in common with Jordan Henry.