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Outside agitator & extremist. Ran as an extremist candidate for City Council then for GUSD School Board. Lost both by large margins.





Jordan Henry

Non-GUSD parent. Extremist candidate and 2-time election loser.

Since moving to Glendale in 2021, Jordan Henry has established a pattern. He directs attacks by outside extremists and the far-right movement against the Glendale community, mainly targeting Glendale's award-winning public school district.  He regularly makes public comment and does costly public records act requests.
On June 6th, 2023 over 100 peaceful parent and local community supporters showed up to support GUSD's long-established inclusive policies, which are mandated by
multiple state and federal laws.
These parents and community members, 
including GALAS LA,   were met with extremist violence from a group of mostly men and outsiders led by Jordan Henry on the bullhorn (photo above). Many are known far-right extremists  from across the state with a history of targeting other California public school districts. Several, including Bryce Henson are now under investigation for ties to national extremist groups like the Proud Boys. These extremists with no stake in Glendale public schools harassed local parents outside GUSD headquarters. They shouted homophobic slurs and threats. Among the few local anti-LGBTQ+ activists mobilized by Jordan Henry was the small group of rightwing Glendale parents activated during the 2020 anti-mask/anti-vax "liberate" movement, including Ani Torosyan and Aneta Krpekyan. Learn more about the extremist team here.
Remember: Jordan Henry has no children enrolled in public schools in Glendale or anywhere else.  On June 6th, he incited 
Proud Boys, January 6th insurrectionists, far-right Christian extremists, anti-government homeschoolers, and outsiders with no connection to GUSD or Glendale. One of the outside extremists arrested was Joseph Marashlian, who pepper sprayed the crowd and injured a peaceful clergyman. Right-wing corporate media, including Fox News, quickly amplified the event, making heroes of the perpetrators and falsely portraying it as a local clash between "Antifa" and "Armenian Parents." It was not. None of the 3 people arrested were GUSD parents. The coordinated attack on Glendale public schools is straight out of the extremist playbook - divide communities and demonize public education, with an ultimate goal of privatizing public schools and weakening the separation of church and state.

At the June 6th, 2023 Board Meeting, GUSD's Board unanimously passed their resolution in support of recognizing June as Pride Month, as they have for many years without controversy. Almost 100 GUSD parents left work early to wait in line to give public comment in support  of students, teachers, fellow parents, and schools.
GUSD continues to share facts to correct the disinformation spread by these outsiders to our community.  GUSD administration has continued to make themselves readily available to address any parent concerns or confusion about policies in GUSD.



Jordan Henry Lowlights

June 6, 2023

Violent extremist rally against LGBTQ+ inclusion in GUSD (began at GUSD offices, migrated to Glendale City Council.

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