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GOP Operative and mastermind responsible for connecting and amplifying extremist voices.

Dark money-funded Salem radio propagandist. Groomer of gen z fascists. 

Meet David Hernandez




David Hernandez

A Vice-chair of the CA GOP, founder of the California Hispanic Republican Club, Los Angeles Hispanic Republican Club, and the California Hispanic Alliance; host of a far-right radio show on Christian nationalist Salem Media-owned AM570; central organizer, mentor, and amplifier for SoCal far right extremists. 

David Hernandez appears to be a central connecting and organizing figure of anti-public school, anti-LGBTQ+ extremism and other far right issues in Southern California. He is extensively connected within the California Republican Party-- as Vice-chair for Los Angeles-- and as the founder and chair of both the California Hispanic Republican Club and the Los Angeles Hispanic Republican Club (CAHRC and LAHRC respectively). He hosts a weekly radio show for LAHRC on the Salem-media owned AM570 The Answer with frequent appearances by TERF-lawyer Jennifer Kennedy 

Hernandez was seen filming at the anti-LGBTQ+ riot at GUSD on June 6, 2023 and he and his cohosts amplified misinformation about LGBTQ+ curriculum and programs after the June 2 riot at Saticoy Elementary. Hernandez also hosted LOKA spokespeople Manuk Grigorian and Lusine Kirakosyan on his radio show, and promoted both the LOKA DTLA march and the CA Policy Center "Line in the Sand" Rally in Simi Valley in September 2023. 

Hernandez LOKA GUSD Salem cnp

David Hernandez endorses violent protests at Saticoy Elementary 6/2/23 and GUSD 6/6/23 and urges followers to attend GUSD 6/20.

David Hernandez CAGOP vice chair LAHRC Chairman LOKA Extremist

CAGOP Board member

CAHRC LOKA Manuk Grogoryan Lusine Kirakosyan David Hernandez AM570

David Hernandez with LOKA spokespeople Lusine Kirakosyan and Manuk Grigoryan

cpc cnp salem red state prager simi rally loka

Flyer for the CA Policy Center "Line in the Sand" Rally

David Hernandez Elizabeth Wong Ahlers Andy Lai GUSD riot 6.6.23

Dave Hernandez films anti-LGBTQ+ extremists with Elizabeth Wong-Ahlers and J6er Andy Lai in background.


David Hernandez appears alongside numerous extremist individuals.

Hernandez links legitimate Republican Party organizations and clubs with street-level extremists, local reactionaries, and violent groups like the Proud Boys. He appears to be focused on expanding the reach of his various groups and networking existing right-leaning efforts into a unified far-right movement. 


Hernandez's ties extend to national far-right groups, including Moms for America via LAHRC board member and LOKA supporter Barbie George, though it appears his primary focus is local to Southern California and building far right political power in Los Angeles county. While he maintains the appearance of legitimacy due to his party affiliation, investigation of his various orgs and clubs reveal a number of unusual details:

Hernandez lists his contact info on the LAHRC site.

Hernandez lists his contact info on the LAHRC site.

The same contact info is listed for the CAHRC PAC.

The same contact info is listed for the CAHRC PAC.

The official CAHRC page does not have a functioning "donate" option.

The official CAHRC page does not have a functioning "donate" option.

180.Shift describes CA Hispanic Alliance as their "parent org."

180.Shift describes CA Hispanic Alliance as their "parent org."

CA Hispanic Alliance does not have an fpcc# but does solicit donations, using the same contact info

CA Hispanic Alliance does not have an fpcc# but does solicit donations, using the same contact info as listed on Hernandez's other sites.

Don Monroe is the owner of C & M Metals and on the board of LAHRC.

Don Monroe is the owner of C & M Metals and on the board of LAHRC.

CMmetals primary donor to LAHrC David Hernandez _edited

C & M Metals is followed by Lexit- a known anti-LGBTQ+ extremist group.

C & M advertises and is listed as Club Sponsor on the LAHRC site.

C & M advertises and is listed as Club Sponsor on the LAHRC site.

Since 2023 Hernandez has appeared to be a major backer of 180.Shift, a "Gen Z" focused right-wing news streaming outlet which features the daughters of two close Hernandez associates, Luis Santana Ramos and Emilio Martinez (who was arrested at GUSD on 6/6/23). The young hosts, Elie Santana-Zavala and Tara Martinez-Fernandez were first seen (with dad Luis) at the violent Saticoy Elementary protest on 6/2/23 and appear frequently at local right wing political and social events as well as critically covering pro-public school, pro-union, and pro-LGBTQ+ events. Both tout connections to and training by Prager U as well as TPUSA,Charlie Kirk's Christian nationalist political organization. They have appeared on Hernandez's AM570 show and he has appeared in both 180.shift videos and on newer right leaning podcast channel, Red Angeles (which posts frequent antisemitic conspiracy theories, anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, and accelerationist calls for violence). 

Luis Santana Elie Santana Saticoy riot 180 shift David Hernandez Salem Gop LOKA

Luis Santana films daughter Elie at the violent protest at Saticoy elementary 6/2/23.

LAHRC board members david hernandez benito bernal emilio martinez luis santan ramos 180

LAHRC Board members include Emilio Martinez and Luis Santana, fathers of 180.Shift's Tara and Elie.

180 shift at riots loka red angeles cagop david hernandez

180.Shift social media shows their presence at multiple violent anti-lgbtq+ protests.

Tara TPUSA Red angeles

Tara started a TPUSA chapter at a Crescenta Valley church.

Elie Prager TPUSA Red Angeles

Elie lists her connections to far right Prager U and Young Americans for Freedom.

David Hernandez Red Angeles

David Hernandez notes his political role and promotes far right propoganda channel Red Angeles.

David Hernandez Tara Martinez Fernandez Red Angeles CAGOP LAHRC LOKA

On AM570 Dave Hernandez hosts 180.Shift/Red Angeles host Elie, amplifying anti-feminist content.

Emilio Martinez My STudio Loka Red Angeles

Financial records indicate this studio is paid for podcast production- LAHRC board member Emilio is executive director.


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